The Embassy of Russia in India has issued a long statement addressing the media of India on the issue of Ukraine. The statement said that the Indian media in its reports has misrepresented the situation with Ukraine. The statement did not mention the name of any specific media organization, making it unclear which reports Russia expressed its displeasure with.
Western countries say that Russia is preparing for war in Ukraine. Ukraine was previously part of the Soviet Union. Both Ukraine and Russia have increased the deployment of troops along the border. However, Russia has rejected all these things.
Sharing the statement from its official Twitter handle, the Russian embassy wrote, ‘It is with great sadness that some Indian media organizations have once again distorted the situation on the crisis in Ukraine. The report also circulates derogatory statements made by Ukrainian officials.
‘We don’t bully anyone’
The Russian Embassy has said in its statement issued in this context that Russia does not threaten anyone. “It must be clearly understood that Russia does not threaten anyone,” the statement said. We are showing maximum restraint and, of course, we have no intention of fighting with the people of Ukraine. We don’t even want a military solution to this problem. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are emphasizing these things time and again.
Crimea is not an issue
Russia says Crimea is not an issue in this dispute. Crimea was formerly a part of Ukraine. In 2014, the government was overthrown through a revolution in Ukraine. During this, Russia had taken possession of it by sending its army to Crimea. Russia had said that the number of people of Russian origin in Crimea is very high and it is Russia’s responsibility to protect them in a deteriorating situation.
The Russian embassy has said in its statement that Crimea is not an issue for us, but Ukraine is maintaining a state of war against its people. “The Ukrainian army has been at war with its own people for eight years,” the statement said. In 2021, they have violated the ceasefire 1,923 times, killing innocent people using over 4,000 mines and artillery shells of various calibers. Many civilians have lost their lives in this, buildings and infrastructure have been damaged.
US and NATO countries targeted
The Russian embassy statement said that Ukraine’s military is openly supported by the US and NATO countries and supplies weapons to the army. Since 2014, the US has spent more than $2.5 billion on Ukraine’s military. NATO countries are also strengthening the Ukrainian army against Russia.The statement further read, ‘Given such circumstances, it is completely ridiculous to hear the allegation that Russia is allegedly mobilizing armed forces near its borders and preparing for any kind of war. The truth is that any sovereign country has the right to freely deploy its army in its territory.
India’s side on Ukraine and Russia issue
In March last year, India had indicated Russia’s support to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea at the UN Security Council meeting. India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations R Ravindra had said, “India advocates for political and diplomatic solutions that protect the legitimate interests of all countries in the region and ensure long-term peace and stability in Europe.” The way forward can only be possible through peaceful dialogue so that a permanent solution acceptable to all countries can be found.
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