WhatsApp is rolling out a redesigned storage management tool to remove junk messages. The tool was spotted online earlier this year. The new tool will gives WhatsApp users the ability to manage storage by their own. By this user can manage the content storage and delete it in bulk.
How to use WhatsApp storage management tool
Once the tool rolls out on your phone, you can access the redesigned storage management tool by going to ‘Storage’> ‘Storage & Data’> ‘Manage Storage’ in WhatsApp.
Before new launch WhatsApp used to list only chats under the ‘Storage Usage’ section, by which users could create some space on their phones. But new changes comes with the experience become better than before and now users can manage their phone storage in an easy way. Now new interface tool will show you how much storage is being taken by WhatsApp media. It will helps to find and delete unnecessary forward files easily from any user.
The redesigned storage management tool of whatsapp lists files that are larger than 5MB in size. In addition user will have the facility to sort files by size and preview them before deleting. Whatsapp new redesigned tool maintains the existing chat list.
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