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Health TKB

Uric Acid: These problems are caused by increasing uric acid! [TKB Health]

Uric acid related problem has become quite common in today’s time. Uric acid is a waste product in the body which in some cases can accumulate in the joints and tissues and cause many problems in the body. The amount of uric acid in one’s body increases when your kidneys are unable to eliminate uric acid. Being overweight, having diabetes, over-medication, drinking too much alcohol, the kidneys are not able to eliminate uric acid and due to this the amount of uric acid in body increases.

Uric acid is a natural waste product from the digestion of purine-containing substances. That is why it is said that consuming purines increases the amount of uric acid in the body. Purines are most commonly found in these substances:

– Some types of non-veg
– sardine fish
– dry beans
– beer

Normally our body filters uric acid through kidneys and urine. If you consume a lot of purines in your diet, then the amount of purine in the blood can increase. High purine content is known as hyperuricemia. This can lead to a disease called gout which causes pain in the joints.  There can be many reasons for the accumulation of uric acid in the body. like:

– diet
– genetics
– obesity
– stress
– kidney disease
– hypothyroidism
– Certain types of cancer or chemotherapy
– Psoriasis

Range of uric acid level in men:

Normal=  2.5–7.0 mg/dl
over= over 7.0 mg/dl

Uric acid level range in women:

Normal= 1.5–6.0 mg/dl
over= more than 6.0 mg/dl

Health problems caused by increased uric acid

Increasing uric acid in the body can lead to some dangerous health problems.

  • gout
  • Cancer treatment
  • kidney problems
  • Fanconi syndrome

How to reduce the amount of uric acid

The biggest reason for increasing uric acid is your lifestyle and diet. By improving these, the amount of uric acid can be reduced.

Eat less high purine foods

The intake of purine-rich substances in the diet should be reduced. These foods include some types of non-veg, seafood and vegetables. To avoid high levels of uric acid, avoid excessive consumption of these foods.

  • organ meat
    baked potato
    lamb meat
    green peas
    dry beans

Foods with sugar

Uric acid usually increases with protein-rich foods, but some research suggests that high consumption of sugary things can also increase the amount of uric acid. Therefore, avoid the consumption of table sugar, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup in the diet.

Drink more water

Kidneys need more water to function. If the person who drinks more water, the excess amount of uric acid gets flushed out from the body. So drink a certain amount of water every 1-2 hours.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol dehydrates the body, which can also increase the amount of uric acid. Therefore, experts believe that to reduce the amount of uric acid, it is right to stop the consumption of alcohol.

Lose weight

Experts believe that the amount of uric acid can increase in people who are overweight. If someone wants to reduce the amount of uric acid from his body then he should lose weight. As his weight decreases, so will the amount of uric acid from his body.

Eat fiber foods

Foods containing fiber can reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, so add fiber-rich foods to the diet. Eat dry fruits, green vegetables, oats for fiber.