The New Education Policy 2020 has supported the three-language policy. But the Tamil Nadu has rejected the three-language formula in NEP 2020. And says that it will stick to the existing policy of two languages. For the past 50 years, Tamil Nadu has been following two language formula and is able to achieve significant positive social and economic changes.
It was first incorporated in the National Education Policy 1968 by the Indira Gandhi government.
In Hindi-speaking states English, Hindi, and a modern Indian language.
Non-Hindi speaking states: English, Hindi, and one Indian language.
Three Language Formula according to NEP 2020
– As a medium of instruction: Wherever possible, the medium of instruction until at least Grade 5, but preferably till Grade 8 and beyond it will be the home language/mother-tongue/local language/regional language.
– The three-language formula will continue to be implemented to promote multilingualism as well as promote national unity.
– NEP states that there will be greater flexibility in the three-language formula. But no language will be imposed on any State.
– To learn three languages will be the choice of States, regions, and students themselves, as long as at least two of the three languages are native to India.
According to the HRD Ministry of Education, the three-language formula will continue to be implemented in schools “with greater flexibility” but “no language will be imposed on any state.”
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