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This Russian woman want to create a world record by having 105 children [TKB-World]

We have heard a lot about people love their addiction to drugs, alcohol etc., but have you ever heard that such a woman love her addiction to having children? We had not even heard before, right? We get informed that a 23-year-old Russian woman who already has 11 children wants to have 105 children. Yes, you heard it right… Let explore her love for motherhood—

The name of the lovely mother is Kristina Ozturk [spell as per her instagram]. According to a report in the Daily Mail, 23-year-old Kristina and her 56-year-old husband Galip Ozturk say they want to make record by having 105 children.

The age of 23-year-old Kristina’s millionaire businessman husband Galip is 56 years old, he is 33 years older than her. Kristina says that she loves children so much that she always wants to be a mother, she love her motherhood. She aspires to have 105 children.Since it is impossible to have so many children naturally, they are going to opt for surrogacy. She currently has 11 children. Of these 11 children, only their youngest child, Vika, was born naturally. While all the other children were born by surrogacy. That’s why she is taking the help of a surrogate mother, but she will fulfill her dream. Kristina’s husband says that he wants to fulfill Kristina’s wish. Galip says that he is not short of money, if Kristina wants, he can get 105 children from a surrogate mother by paying eight million dollars.


According to Kristina, she loved to being a mother and both she and her husband want the happy laugh of the children to resonate in their home. The couple keeps on uploading pictures of their children through their social media accounts. The number of followers on their social media account is awesome. According to the report, Kristina makes her children to follow a strict routine . Report claims that her children sleep every night from 8 PM to 6 AM. The nanny of the children records each and every updates of the children in the diary daily. The couple recently had a daughter together on January 16, 2021, whom they named Olivia.