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Health TKB

Health TKB

These 5 superfoods repair damaged parts of the body, also good for DNA [TKB Health]

Healthy things not only satisfies your taste, but also help the body to function better by giving it the necessary nutrients. They repair the damaged DNA. Improves the working capacity of organs. Reduces stress and improves brain function. According to Holistic Lifestyle and Wellness Coach Luke Coutinho, healthy foods protect us from chronic and genetic diseases by repairing our internal organs and maintaining DNA health. They reduce the risk of inflammation and improve immunity to support overall health.

Pomegranate – Due to the beneficial elements of pomegranate, it is considered a very healthy food. This red colored fruit is a good source of vitamin-C, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and vitamin-K. Pomegranate can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis or any inflammatory condition. Its anti-aging properties also protect our skin from the problem of aging by improving the quality.

Coconut oil – Whether you use coconut oil in cooking or use it from above, it can benefit your health in every sense. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties present in coconut oil benefit our skin quality and oral health. Also, you not only stay away from diseases, but increasing weight is also controlled. Coconut oil is also considered to be a good source of energy which keeps your hunger at bay for a long time.

Mushroom- Mushroom is considered to be the best vegetable for a long and healthy life. Mushrooms are low in calories, rich in fiber and protein, vitamin-D, iron, selenium and antioxidants. Its beneficial elements protect us from terrible diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Turmeric- Turmeric is used in almost every household in India. An active compound in turmeric called curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is considered beneficial in diseases related to skin, heart, joints and many types of organs. Doctors say that turmeric also benefits in diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression and arthritis. You can take it with milk or on any diet or at night.

Green tea- Green tea is not just a refreshing and hydrating beverage. This drink rich in polyphenols is also helpful in fighting diseases like inflammation and cancer. Green tea works to reduce fat by increasing metabolism. It also works to protect cells from radical damage.