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The Earth’s heat increase as much in 150 years as it did in 24 thousand years: Study [TKB World]

In the last 150 years, the Earth temperature has increased as fast as it has not increased in 24 thousand years since the Ice Age. This has been revealed in a recent study. This study has been published in the famous science journal Nature. It has been told in the study that due to climate change caused by human activities, global warming is increasing rapidly. Due to the increased industries in the last 150 years, global warming has increased as much as it had never increased in 24 thousand years after the ice age.

It has also been told in this study that the temperature of the Earth started increasing in the last 10 thousand years. But it was growing naturally. With its own fixed and limited speed. But the rapid increase in temperature in the last 150 years is being attributed to climate change caused by humans.

Due to the rapidly expanding industries around the world, the temperature has also increased rapidly in the last 150 years.
Matthew Osman, a postdoctoral researcher in geo-science at the University of Arizona, said that the work humans have done to nature, they have never done to themselves. Therefore, in the last 150 years, the global temperature has increased at a rate that has never been seen since the Ice Age. This is a very shocking warning.

Scientists made a temperature model of 24 thousand years. For this, they made two types of datasheets. First from ocean sediments and second from computer simulations of climate change. Jessica Tierney, associate professor of geo-sciences at the University of Arizona, said that if you want to predict the weather, you have to create models that reflect the current situation. After this you can see the temperature increasing and decreasing depending on the current factors in it. Such as pollution, greenhouse gas etc.

Jessica says that as soon as the factors are analyzed by mixing them with the model, then we get information about the past and future weather. With this, all the humidity, temperature, pressure, wind direction etc. are known. The way humans are increasing the heat on a global scale, it has never been seen this high.

Scientists and researchers are concerned about the ongoing climate emergency. They  warned the world about this every year. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), leaders of many countries have promised that they will take all necessary steps to stop climate change. Between 2050 and 2070, many countries have decided to net zero their carbon emissions.