Samsung has launched its lifestyle TT The Sero in the market increasing its product range. Samsung has developed rotating TV specifically for social media Z-generation. Samsung Sero 43-inch screen size is priced at Rs 1,24,990 and can be purchased from Reliance Digital Store.
Voice command support and powerful sound
For strong sound this Samsung TV has 60 Watt speakers with 4.1 channels which can satisfy your eardrums. Another special features of the TV is that in this you can mirror the content of your phone. To use this feature you only have to tap the phone on the TV. Users can also rotate the TV through remote control. TV voice command is also supported. For enable the rotate feature one just need Samsung’s SmartThings App.
Responsive UI and Adaptive Picture
Main other feature also can be used in TV, you get an Adaptive Picture, Responsive UI and Active Voice Amplifier.
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