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Health TKB

Summer care: Heat knocked, do these 8 things to stay healthy in the changing weather (TKB-Health)

Most people are lazy in cold weather and due to this, they are unable to pay full attention to their health. However, the summer season has come and the body needs a lot of attention in this changing season. Let us know how you can make your body fit in the summer season.

Make a bedtime routine on time– Summer days are long and people do not sleep early at night in this season compared to winter. If you also do not sleep quickly after going to bed, put two drops of essential oil in your nose. According to the study, the aroma of essential oil helps to relax body sleep.

Skin care– Itching starts in the skin due to dry air during the winter season. Give summer care to your skin and exfoliate your skin. This will remove dead skin and will improve your skin. Do not take bath with hot water and always wash face with cold water.

Prevention of insects– In the summer season, diseases caused by insects and mosquitoes like mosquito and flea increase. To avoid this, wear full-sleeved clothes. Get into the habit of applying Mosquito Repellent. This will not affect the mosquito bite. Apart from this, keep the house clean so that small insects do not come.

Pay attention to food – It is very important to pay attention to food in the summer season. Eat light food so that it can be easily digested. Health experts say that eat anything only when you are really hungry or else there will always be heaviness in your stomach and weight will also increase. There is a lot of need to pay attention to what you are eating. Eat a little less than hunger.

Choose the right shoes – In summer, your feet can get damaged due to shoes. However, some people do not pay attention to the comfort of the feet in the fashion affair. In this season, shoes and slippers of flat and rubber soles provide more comfort. They cause less pressure on the ankles, no pain in the feet and there are no bunions or blisters on the feet. To remove odor, show shoes occasionally incense.

Workout – Most people stop doing workouts during winter. Restore the exercise routine. Do yoga or any workout every day. This kept the body fit and you will also feel mentally calm. By exercising every day, blood pressure is regular, body pain is removed and the body remains healthy from inside.

Personal care routine – Due to laziness in winter, people also stop focusing on themselves. Re-create your personal care routine. Improve your daily habits. Brush both times, keep the mouth and hands clean and apply sunscreen before exiting.

Plant-based diet– You do not have to become a vegetarian to get a plant-based diet. Include all the things in your diet that are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. The summer season is considered the best for eating salads. Include plenty of fruits, whole grains, lentils and fish in your diet.