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Health TKB

Sleeping Tips: If you want good sleep then definitely do these 5 things before sleeping [TKB Health]

It is necessary to have a good sleep at night after a tiring day. Due to a good sleep energy flow maintains in the body. But sometimes due to bad habits, sleep is not complete at night, due to which our body does not feel like working the next day. In such a situation, some people focus to medicines to complete sleep so that there can be enough energy in the body the next day. But medicine can also harm the body. But following below can give you good and enough sleep-

Switch off your gadgets– Most people believe that the best way to unwind after a tiring day is by watching a movie on the phone or spending some time on social media. But is it the right thing to do? Bright blue light from your gadgets can interfere with the secretion of sleep hormones. According to experts, staying away from the screen helps in the secretion of melatonin hormone.

Read a book– Reading a book can be a good option instead of a web series. Reading keeps your mind relaxed. You can read your favorite book before sleeping.

Take a bath before sleeping– Experts recommend taking a shower before sleeping. It helps people to fall asleep faster and also improves the quality of sleep.

Drink something hot – Turmeric milk or chamomile tea is beneficial for the brain as well as the intestine.

Pay attention to your breathing– Experts, yoga experts and spiritual gurus emphasize the importance of breathing exercises before sleeping. Doing Pranayama[Breathing Exercise]  before sleeping not only relaxes the mind but also helps in sleeping well.