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Science-Stonehenge enhanced sounds

Welcome to Soundhenge or good to say as Stonehenge, this ancient monument in southern England created an acoustic space that amplified voices. While this experiment improved the sound of any music being played for people.

Its main reason is because of how stones were placed, all the fact that speech or music would not have projected beyond Stonehenge into the surrounding countryside. Even for all the people standing near the stone circle, scientists report in the October Journal of Archaeological Science.

As used for the method Stonehenge Lego, as Cox dubbed the model, was assembled assuming that Stonehenge’s outer circle. That is the type of silcrete rock found in southern England — had originally consisted of 30 stones. In original monument Stonehenge today includes 63 complete stones, including five standing sarsen stones and 12 other stones in fragments. With the base of fact which based on an estimated total of 157 stones placed at the site around 4,200 years ago. The scientific researchers team made possible 3-D printed 27 stones of all sizes and shapes. After that the team used silicone molds of those items and plaster mixed with other materials to re-create the remaining 130 stones. All the simulated stones were constructed to minimize sound absorption, and  much like actual stones at Stonehenge, Cox says.

In the scientific fact Stonehenge Lego did not project sounds into the surrounding area or boost the quality of sounds coming from external speakers.