There is a war going on between Russia and Ukraine. Meanwhile, Samsung has taken a big decision. Samsung has announced that it is suspending shipments of all products. That is, now the entry of Samsung products in Russia has been stopped. It has also been told in Samsung’s PR email that they will continuously monitor the situation and only after that they will take their next step. Samsung is not only shutting down the supply of smartphones but also other products like chips, consumer electronics.
This move of Samsung has dealt a big blow to Russia. Now the product of the largest electronics vendor will not be available in Russia. Apart from this, Samsung is also appealing for donation for humanity. The company has said that those who have been affected by this war are with them. Their priority is the safety of all their employees and their families. The company has further stated that they are actively working to help humanity. They’re helping $6 million.
This move of Samsung is not new. Even before this, many tech companies have stopped their service in Russia. Apple also announced some time ago that it is closing its sell in Russia. Apart from this, they had also announced the closure of many services. Tech giant Google also gave a big blow to Russia. Google has stopped many of its services in Russia. The company has removed many Russian media apps from the Play Store. Google has also blocked channels related to Russian media on YouTube.
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