People are very confused about the date and day of Raksha Bandhan 2023. Some people believe that Rakhi will be tied on 30th August while some people are asking to celebrate Rakshabandhan on 31st August. Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on 30th August or 31st August, as well as how many hours auspicious time will be available for tying Rakhi on this day and when Rakhi will not be tied due to Bhadra Kaal. Let’s see…
According to astrologers or pundits, the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on both 30 and 31 August this year. Actually, the festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of Shukla Paksha of Shravan month. This time the full moon date will start on August 30 at 10.59 am and the date will end on August 31 at 7.59 am. But, why this time the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on both 30 and 31 August, let’s know?
Bhadra-Kaal (Rakshabandhan 2023 Shubh Muhurat & Bhadra timing)
According to astrologers, Bhadra Kaal will start at 10.59 am with full moon date on August 30 and Bhadra Kaal will end at 9.02 pm. In Vedic astrology, Bhadra is considered an inauspicious period and doing any auspicious work is prohibited during this period. Therefore, rakhi can be tied after August 30 after 9:02 pm.
According to mythological belief, afternoon time is auspicious for tying Rakhi. But if there is Bhadra Kaal in the afternoon, then it is auspicious to tie Rakhi in Pradosh Kaal. In such a situation, due to Bhadra Kaal on August 30, the auspicious time to tie Rakhi will not be in the morning. That day is the auspicious time to tie Rakhi in the night itself.
On August 31, Shravan Purnima is till 07:05 in the morning, during this time there is no shadow of Bhadra. For this reason, on August 31, you can get Rakhi tied in the auspicious time of 7.05 am. In such a situation, the festival of Raksha Bandhan can be celebrated on both 30 August Night and 31 August Morning.
A total of 10 hours auspicious time will be available for tying rakhi, in which tying rakhi is considered most auspicious. That is, on August 30, you can tie rakhi after 9:00 pm and then on August 31, you can tie rakhi before 7:05 am.
Why is Rakhi not tied in Bhadra?
Rakhi should not be tied on in Bhadrakal. There is also a reason behind it. It is said that Lankapati Ravana’s sister had tied a rakhi on his wrist during Bhadrakal itself and it was destroyed within a year. It is said that Bhadra was the sister of Shani Dev. Bhadra had received this curse from Brahma ji that whoever does auspicious or auspicious work in Bhadra, its result will be inauspicious.
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