2025 TopKnowledgeBox

Top Knowledge Blogs 2022 to 2023.



Priceless ‘treasure’ fell in the house from the sky, a millionaire was lucky in one stroke (Science TKB)

Josua Hutagalung, who lives in the northern Sumatra region of Indonesia, has dropped such a precious treasure which makes him rich instantly. Josua’s happiness is no longer there.

When God gives to someone he makes a splash its a proverb we all know about it. Similar incident happened with 33-year-old Josua Hutagalung the Indonesian coffin maker. A precious treasure fell from the sky at Josua’s house and he became the owner of 10 crores rupees. This is a rare meteorite about 4 and a half billion years old.

As per scientist this meteorite is 4.5 billion years old and is counted in a very rare species and It costs $ 857 per gram. As per Josua that when he took it off the ground it was very hot and partially broken. Meteorite falling was so loud that many parts of his house were shaken. He said, ‘When I saw roof, it was broken so i have full doubt that this stone has definitely fallen from the sky which many people call meteorite.’