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Health TKB

Plum Health Benefits [TKB-Health]

Delicious plums comes with the great health benefits. Fruits like plums, peaches and apricots belong to the same family. They can be large or small in size along with being red, purple, green, yellow, orange, pink in color.Plums originated in China thousands of years ago. Subsequently, they were also found in Japan, America and parts of Europe. Today, more than 2,000 different varieties of plums grow around the world. The taste of salads and dishes made from it is very wonderful.Plums are a wealth of properties in terms of health. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber. Vitamin C present in it helps in keeping the body healthy, building muscles and making blood vessels.

Calories: 76, Protein: 1 gram, Fat: less than 1 gram, Carbohydrate: 18 grams, Fiber: 2 grams and Sugar: 16 grams of nutrients are found in one cup of plums. Apart from this, plums are considered a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K.

We can consider following as the benefits of Plum for our health:

  • Keep eyes healthy– Vitamin A and beta carotene are found in plums. It is beneficial for the eyes. Its regular consumption helps in making the eyes healthy.
  • Beneficial for the heart– The phyto-chemicals and nutrients present in plums reduce inflammation that triggers heart disease.
  • Relieve stress – Antioxidants present in plums help to relieve stress. When there is less antioxidant in the body, then the person starts suffering from stress. Therefore, consuming it regularly helps in making you healthy and fit by removing mental stress.
  • Relieves constipation– Plums contain dietary fiber.These fibers help in relieving constipation by improving digestion.
  • Blood pressure and stroke– The potassium present in plums can control blood pressure in two ways. It removes sodium from the body while passing urine and reduces the tension in the blood vessels. Apart from this, it reduces the chances of stroke in low blood pressure.
  • Rich in Antioxidants– Plums are rich in antioxidants. They protect the cells and tissues of the body from damage. Due to which there may be a risk of diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer.
  • Blood Sugar Control– Plums are rich in fibre, which helps in reducing blood sugar levels. It can also increase the body’s production of a hormone called adiponectin. This hormone helps in controlling the level of blood sugar.
  • Maintain healthy bones– Research done on animals shows that prunes (dried plums) help in making bones healthy. Its regular consumption helps to remove the weakness of bones and make them strong.

According to experts, making sour-sweet-tasting plums a part of your daily diet will not only keep you healthy but will also protect you from seasonal diseases. Its cake, salad, sweet dish, salad etc. are very tasty to eat.