It is very important to maintain the platelets level in the body. Although some people have thrombocytopenia or a fever like dengue, the platelets of the body decrease which is very important to increase. Doctors say that the platelet count of the body should be between 150K to 450K Foods rich in folate, vitamin-B12, vitamin-C, vitamin-D and vitamin-K can increase the platelet count.
Folate Rich Food: Folate is an essential B vitamin for blood cells. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate. The National Institutes of Health (NHS) states that the body of adults needs 400 micrograms of folate a day, while the body of pregnant women needs 600 micrograms of folate. Green-leafy vegetables such as spinach or Brussels sprouts, chives, rice and yeast can make up for the deficiency of folate in the body.
Vitamin-B12: Vitamin-B12 is very important for the formation of red blood cells in the body. Its deficiency can lead to a decrease in platelet count. According to the NHS, people over the age of 14 need 2.4 micrograms daily, while pregnant or lactating women need 2.8 micrograms of vitamin-B12. Almond milk, soy milk, egg, large oyster, trout, salmon or tuna fish can replenish it in the body. Studies show that dairy products also contain vitamin B12, but cow’s milk can cause problems in platelets production.
Vitamin-C: Vitamin-C plays an important role in maintaining immune function. Along with increasing the platelet count, Vitamin-C also promotes the absorption of iron in the body. For this, you can eat things like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits like oranges or ripe fruits, capsicum or strawberries.
Vitamin-D: Vitamin-D is considered very important for bone function, muscles, nerves and immune system. According to the Platelets Disorder Support Association (PDSA), vitamin-D is also important for the function of the bone marrow, which produces platelets and blood cells. People aged 19-70 years need about 15 micrograms of vitamin-D daily. If you are a non-vegetarian then egg yolk, fatty fish, salmon-tuna fish, fish liver oil and milk-curd can fulfill its deficiency. Vegetarians can compensate for this with cereals, orange juice, soy milk or yogurt and mushrooms.
Vitamin-K: Vitamin-K is also very important for the strength of bones. According to the PDSA survey, an improvement in platelet count and bleeding symptoms was observed in 26.98 percent of people consuming vitamin-K. To make up for its deficiency in the body, you can consume things like soybeans, leafy vegetables like turnips, spinach and kale, broccoli or pumpkin.
Iron: Iron is considered very important for red blood cells and platelet count. A study on children and youth suggests that iron can increase platelet count in people suffering from anemia. To supply iron in the body, you can eat things like oysters, cereals, kidney beans, dark chocolate, lentils or tofu.
Avoid eating these things: Doctors say that it is very important to avoid some things in the process of increasing the platelet count. In this one should stay away from alcohol-containing substances, artificial sweet drinks, cranberry juice and tonic water or the quinine element found in bitter lemon. According to a study done on rats, papaya leaves also work to increase platelet count and red blood cells. But in the case of humans, more research is needed on this.
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