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Health TKB

Health TKB

Omicron: The first death from Omicron in Australia, had taken both doses of the vaccine [TKB Health]

More than 6,000 Covid-19 cases have been reported in Australia’s most populous state of New South Wales on Monday. Along with this, the first death due to Omicron variant has been confirmed here. The deceased was about 80 years old who had taken both the doses of the vaccine but he was infected with many diseases.

New protocols went into effect in New South Wales on Monday, including a limit of one person per 2 square meters (22 sq ft) in bars and restaurants and a requirement to “check-in” with QR codes at hospitality venues.

Health Minister Brad Hazard said the state government was considering the need to isolate health workers after being exposed to COVID-19 due to a shortage of staff.

The state of Victoria on Monday reported 1,999 new corona cases with three deaths. State COVID-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar said it has begun random genome sequencing for the Omicron variant in Victoria to better understand its spread.