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New type of ‘magnetic waves’ build every seven years, scientists discovered for the first time [TKB Science]

Scientists are surprised. A little upset too. Because a new type of magnetic wave has been found. This wave originates from the center of the earth only once in a every seven years. Scientists are in trouble with this seven-year puzzle. Studying to uncover this. They want to know whether it also has an effect on the magnetic field of our earth.

Scientists have named the new type of magnetic wave Magneto-Coriolis. Because they rotate according to the rotation of the earth. They go from east to west. They travel 1500 km every year. A research paper was published about them in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To study it, the satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA) had to be used. Because before this, scientists had seen a different type of wave on the liquid outer core of the Earth. This is where the rocky mantle meets the outer layer of the Earth’s center, about 3000 km below the Earth’s surface.

Scientists believe that the study of these magnetic waves will reveal the mysterious changes coming in the magnetic field of the Earth. Because there is liquid iron in the center of the earth. Due to rotation, the magnetic field is created and changes keep happening in it. But the exact reason behind this is not known. For the last 20 years, the Earth’s magnetic field is being calculated.

In a 20-year study, it has been found that every seven years there is a sharp decline in the strength of the magnetic field. Scientists came to know about these new waves while studying this fall. Nicolas Gillet, a researcher at the Grenoble Alpes University in France, said that long ago the theory was given about these waves. But there was no chance to measure them. But in our study we did this work.