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Health TKB

Morning Super foods: Natural Cleansing of Empty Stomach in the Morning [TKB HEALTH]

It is very important to start the day with a healthy breakfast for good health. In the morning, our body needs good nutrition, which not only boosts our energy level, but also removes toxins from the body. Eating the wrong combination of foods in breakfast has a bad effect on our digestive system. Therefore, healthy foods should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning which are better for our metabolic system.

Watermelon- Eating watermelon on an empty stomach in the morning breakfast promotes the electrolyte balance of the body and also keeps the body hydrated. About 90 percent of watermelon is filled with water, so its consumption in summer also fulfills the lack of water in the body. Along with this, it is also considered a healthy fruit due to the natural sugar and low calories. Vitamin-C, vitamin-B6 and other nutrients present in it boost immunity and mood.

Morning drink- Light warm water, coconut water, cumin water or other digestive tea are considered to be the best beverages in the morning. It can be a good replacement for the morning dose of caffeine. Apart from this, you can also use honey. Honey contains a variety of minerals, vitamins and enzymes that benefit stomach health. By consuming honey with water, your metabolism will be boosted and waste materials will also come out from the body. Many people also adopt this formula for weight loss.

Papaya- Starting the day with papaya is also a great idea. This is a great thing for body detoxification. The body also gets fiber and fructose from it for energy. Do not have breakfast for 45 minutes after eating papaya on an empty stomach in the morning. It lowers the bad cholesterol level and reduces the risk of heart diseases. It also gives relief in constipation.

Soaked almonds- If you do any kind of exercise at home or go to the gym, then you must consume soaked almonds or walnuts on an empty stomach in the morning. Dry fruits are an excellent source of protein and healthy fat. Health experts say that eating chia seeds rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids in the morning also benefits the body a lot.

Fresh Vegetable Juice- Carrot, beetroot or green vegetable juice is also very good to start the day. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, it is very good for the skin. If a little lemon is also included in it, then the body will also get vitamin-C. If you want, you can also drink aloe vera juice. It is very good for our skin and hair.

Dates and fruits- If you want a lot of energy in the morning, then take two dates with water. This will give instant energy to your body. Apart from this, you can also consume fruits like banana, or apple on an empty stomach in the morning.