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Current Affairs-TKB

Major 7.5 magnitude earthquake triggers tsunami alert for Alaska (Current-Affairs)

After a major earthquake of 7.5 magnitudes struck off the coast of Alaska, a tsunami alert was issued on October 19, 2020, the US agencies informed.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the tsunami warnings covered much of the southern coast of the remote state of the US, which includes the thinly populated Alaska Peninsula. The residents were also evacuated to the higher ground.

10-foot waves have been recorded at the tiny nearby city of Sand Point, which is some 60 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake which had struck at a depth of 25 miles.

The at-risk zone was extended to hundreds of miles northeast to the Cook Inlet but stopped short of the state’s largest city of Anchorage which is located some 600 miles from the epicenter and at the end of that gulf.