On the occasion of Independence Day, on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the tricolor at the Red Fort and addressed the nation. Nation is celebrating its 75th Independence Day today and with this the celebration of Amrit Mahotsav of Independence has started in the country.
But not only INDIA, many other countries also share the date of their independence or freedom same as August 15 of each year. So lets know the countries who sharing the date with India’s Independence which is August 15.
Which other countries share the date for Independence Day as August 15 with India?
Republic of Congo
The Republic of Congo share the date with India for independence day celebration because The Republic of the Congo received full independence from France on August 15, 1960 from French Rule.
Korea’s got independence from 35 years of Japanese colonization in 1945. Gwangbokjeol (meaning Time of the Restoration of Light) is one of few public holidays celebrated by both the Koreas—South and North because they both nations are truly attached with emotions of the independence .
From the British following a UN survey of the Bahraini population,Bahrain, the ancient land of the Dilmun civilisation, declared its independence on August 15, 1971. The Bahrain ruled by various entities, including the Arabs and Portugal, before it became a British protectorate in the 19th century. Bahrain also celebrate and share its independence date with India.
Sixth smallest nation of the world also celebrate the date of Independence with India. They got independence from German rule in 1866. They mark August 15 as a National Day and celebrate its as their Independence.
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