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Health TKB

Health TKB

ICMR approves home based Covid testing kit (TKB-Health)

In the midst of the corona epidemic, you can now test the Covid-19 by yourself at home. ICMR has approved home based testing kit for Covid. It is a home rapid antigen testing (RAT) kit. It can be used by mild symptoms of corona or people coming in contact with an infected person.

More testing of home based testing kits is not recommended. Apart from ICMR, DCGI has also approved the sale of home based testing kit in the market. However, this testing kit will not be available in the market immediately, it will take some time to become widely available.

Explain that it will now be very easy to test the corona after ICMR has approved the home based testing kit for Kovid. At present, only one company in India has been approved, namely Mylab Discovery Solutions Ltd (Mylab Discovery Solutions Limited).

The Home Testing Mobile App is available in the Google Play Store and Apple Store. All users can download it. The mobile app is a comprehensive guide to the testing process, which will provide positive or negative results. The name of this app is Mylab Covisself.

Significantly, for the corona at this time, antigen and RTPCR investigation is done. Where the report of antigen is found immediately, the RTPCR investigation report comes in 24 hours. But now home based testing kit has been approved for corona testing. This will speed up the investigation, at the same time, people can check the corona right from home.

The ICMR also said that those coming negative in the antigen test will no longer need to undergo an RTPCR test. Earlier, people used to get RTPCR test after antigen.