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Hummingbird survives cold nights by nearly freezing itself solid-(Science TKB)

Special category place of Andes mountains of Peru are a hummingbird’s paradise, the whole area is rich in wildflower nectar and low in predators. But as usual there’s one problem: the cold.Nighttime temperatures often dip below freezing in these rainy tropical highlands. Then the question arise how does a six-gram bird that needs nectar from 500 flowers a day just to survive get enough extra energy to keep itself warm all night?

There on every night as temperatures drop with the sun, all hummingbirds enter a state of suspended animation known as torpor.

As per Blair Wolf  a physiological ecologist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque “They’re cold as a rock”. “But the fact if you didn’t know better you’d think they were dead.” Bird Cooling themselves to near-death temperatures lets the hummingbirds save precious energy, the process allowing them to survive the cold night.

But the fact is during the day these hummingbirds’ tiny-yet-mighty hearts can beat 1,200 times a minute to power their frenetic lifestyle. While at the same during torpor their heart rates plummet to as low as 40 beats a minute. “It’s an astounding drop of the temperature and beat together,” Wolf says, due to that it could allow these high-altitude birds to cut their energy use by about 95 percent. But bird without wasting energy trying to stay warm, these tiny interesting  birds can thrive as high as 5,000 meters above sea level. “It’s a remarkable adaptation.”