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How to Increase the battery life of Android phone [TKB-HowToDo]

Smartphone technology has grown very rapidly in the last few years. Now your phone has become even smarter and faster. Apart from this, its display has also been made much better. Despite all this, it beats in one place that is in terms of battery. Many people are troubled by the low battery backup of the smartphone. Here are some easy tips to increase the battery life of your smartphone, how to do it let’s see-

Screen brightness

Screen brightness in Android phones causes a lot of battery discharge. You can set the setting to Auto. Auto brightness mode is given in Android 9 and above versions. So by keeping the brightness low, you can save a lot of battery.

Battery optimization

Since Android 6.0, Google has given many options for battery life control. There is also an option to close the apps that use more battery. It has been greatly improved over time. If you want to extend battery life, keep Adaptive Battery or Battery Optimization on.

Reduce screen time out

Most of the smartphone screen turns off after 1 minute or two minutes. This may seem like a lot but it uses up a lot of the battery of the phone. You reduce it to 30 seconds. This will help you save battery power.

Delete unused accounts and apps

Delete those apps and accounts from your phone that you do not use. Many times unused apps use notifications, net, contacts, sync. Because of this, there is a lot of impact on the battery.

Don’t Use Battery Saver Apps

You will find many battery saver apps on the Play Store which claim to increase the battery of your phone. Most of these apps work as task killers so that you can get more RAM. Because of this, if you open those apps again, they will start again and more power will be used in this process.