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‘Hidden bridge’ between galaxies (TKB-Science)

80 percent of dark matter is used to connect and create the universe. This is such a mysterious substance that scientists have been studying for the last several decades. While making a map of this, some scientists got such information which is really astonishing.

Scientists have discovered a hidden bridge between galaxies. This map has been made by the international team of scientists. The scientists of Pennsylvania State University, who are in this team, told that by studying Dark Matter and this bridge, we will know the history and future of the local universe.

Donghui Jeong, an associate professor at Penn State University and one of the authors of this study, said that the study of remotely located dark matter and such bridges is easy, while the complexity is so much in the near ones that it becomes difficult to study. Donghui said that dark matter cannot be directly calculated in the local universe. For this, the gravitational force on space objects, including individual planets, has to be studied. Then it is seen adding how much Dark Matter is

Donghui said that as the universe grew, so did its complexity. Earlier, the process of mapping the cosmic web or cosmic web was done through modeling. Which gave us a simulation of the Universe. But this time we have adopted a new way. We created a new model through machine learning that searches for dark matter based on the division of galaxies in the universe and their motion.

Donghui Jeong told that we trained the model to make simulations of large clusters of galaxies. We named it Illustris-TNG. This includes galaxies, gas, dark matter and all other visible objects. We designed the model in such a way that it could measure the division and motion of our Milky Way Milky Way and its similar galaxies. After this the map shown by this model was surprising.

Scientists have observed that a hidden bridge is being formed between galaxies and other space objects. Which is a nexus between the gravitational forces of those two objects. Its strength depends on the distance and speed of the galaxies. Donghui and his team studied 17 thousand galaxies through this model. The map that was made with this was fantastic. In this, many hidden Darkmatter bridges were seen to those people.

Donghui said that it has been revealed earlier that Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are slowly coming towards each other. But the question is whether they will collide after crores of years. This thing is not clear yet. If we study the hidden bridge with dark matter then we can get the answer to this question.

Donghui explained that Dark Matter reigns throughout the universe. This is what drives the Universe. This also determines our fate. We will now ask the computer to make a map after millions of years. So that it can be known how many galaxies will meet in the future. What harm or benefit will come from meeting them.