These 8 apps removed from Google Play Store were present as cryptocurrency cloud mining apps. They claimed that this allowed users to earn cryptocurrency by investing money in cloud-mining operations.
According to a report by security firm Trend Micro, these dangerous apps only allow victims to view ads, pay for subscription services (whose average monthly fee is $15 (about Rs 1,096)) and increase mining capabilities without getting anything in return. Used to cheat to pay for it.
A statement was issued by the security firm saying that we told Google about these apps and Google immediately removed these apps from the Play Store. This app is no longer available for download in the Google Play Store. We also suggest to you that if these apps are in your phone, then you should also delete them immediately.
Here is the list of apps that have been removed from the Google Play Store:
— BitFunds – Crypto Cloud Mining
— Bitcoin Miner – Cloud Mining
— Bitcoin (BTC) – Pool Mining Cloud Wallet
— Crypto Holic – Bitcoin Cloud Mining
— Daily Bitcoin Rewards – Cloud Based Mining System
— Bitcoin 2021
— MineBit Pro – Crypto Cloud Mining & btc miner
— Ethereum (ETH) – Pool Mining Cloud
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