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‘God of Chaos’ coming near the Earth (Science-TKB)

Scientists at the US space agency NASA have warned that the giant asteroid called the ‘God of Destruction’ is rapidly gaining momentum and is moving towards the Earth’s orbit. Researcher for the fact said that in the next 48 years, this devastating asteroid can hit the Earth. As per astronomers at the University of Hawaii who have confirmed with the report that the giant asteroid Apophis is gaining momentum. Collision of asteroid and Earth will have an impact equivalent to 88 million tonnes of TNT.

As per Astronomers Scientists explain that asteroid could hit the Earth on 12 April 2068. This big asteroid is about 1000 feet wide which can impact the earth with equal to 88 million tons of TNT blast. Apophis asteroid was discovered by the Arizona Observatory on June 19, 2004. Since then scientists have been eyeing this asteroid.

The research by the team found that asteroids are heating up in sunlight. As per calculation of astronomers said that this asteroid is likely to hit in the year 2068. NASA has warned that this asteroid can assumed as the third biggest threat. NASA also states with the fact that the probability of asteroids hitting the Earth in the next 48 years is 150,000.

This big asteroid is made of metals like nickel and iron and the redor image shows that it is getting longer. Its shape is now becoming like peanuts. However, the researchers also said that more analysis is still needed.