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Europe bows under second virus wave, tightens curbs (Health-TKB)

From France to Britain to the Czech Republic, European leaders are confronting a surge in corona-virus cases that is rapidly filling hospital beds, driving up death tolls and raising the grim prospect of further lock-downs in countries already traumatized by the pandemic. The continent, which once compared favorably to the US in its handling of the pandemic, is being engulfed by a second wave of infection. With an average of over 1,00,000 new infections per day over the past week, Europe now accounts for about one-third of new cases reported worldwide.

one more Euro region Germany reported 5,132 new infections Tuesday, up from 2,639 a week earlier; France reported 120,000 new cases over the past seven days, one of the highest rates in the world.

In Spain’s Catalonia region, where cases have risen 40% in the past week, authorities closed bars and restaurants for 15 days, except for takeout food. Shops were told to limit their traffic to 30% of capacity.

In the Netherlands, where the number of cases almost doubled this week to 44,000, the government announced a limited lock-down. After 10pm Wednesday, all bars and restaurants will be closed for at least four weeks.