2025 TopKnowledgeBox

Top Knowledge Blogs 2022 to 2023.



Earth’s rarest diamonds form from primordial carbon in the mantle (Science TKB)

As we know that most diamonds are made of carbon recycled over and over again between Earth’s surface. And we also know that diamonds with the deepest origins — such as the famed Hope Diamond — are made of carbon from a separate source hidden in Earth’s lower mantle.

As per science we know that diamonds form at different depths before making their way to the surface where they are unearthed. As per Margo Regier, a geo chemist at the University of Alberta in Edmonton “Most of the diamonds people are familiar with are from the upper 250 kilometers of the planet”.

New science concept clears that, the source of the carbon in these deepest diamonds has been a mystery, but scientists wondered whether it came from the sub-duction of Earth’s tectonic plates. Below the surface of the Earth as one plate slides beneath another and sinks into the mantle, it transports carbon from the surface to the interior.