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Health TKB

Drinking excessive water can be dangerous for your kidney, know how much to drink [TKB Health]

Water is very important for our body. About 60 percent of our body is filled with water. By drinking water, our body remains hydrated and all the waste and toxic substances of the body are easily removed. Along with this, all the parts of the body require water to function properly. But by drinking excessive water, the body has to face many types of damages, which is known as overhydration.

Disadvantages of drinking more water?

When you drink excessive water, you may have to face water poisoning, intoxication and many other problems related to the brain. Drinking too much water causes swelling in the brain and body cells. When brain cells swell, it puts pressure on the brain, causing confusion, sleeplessness and headaches. When this pressure on the brain increases, it can cause problems like hypertension and bradycardia (low heart rate).

Consuming too much water has a very bad effect on the sodium present in our body. Sodium is an electrolyte present in our body which balances the fluid inside and outside the cells. By drinking excessive water, the level of sodium in our body starts decreasing, due to which the fluid present in the body goes inside the cells, due to which the cells start swelling and the person can go into a coma or even die.

How much water is beneficial for health?

However, no guideline has been set regarding how much water a person should drink in a day. How much water your body needs depends on how much physical activity you do, what is your body weight. Along with this, the weather also has a big role in it. According to Dr. Yajvendra Pratap Singh Rana, Associate Director of Urology and Uro Oncology at BLK-Max Superspeciality Hospital, ‘Drinking water up to 3 liters in normal days and 3.5 liters in summer is considered safe.’

How does drinking more water affect the kidneys?

The problem of overhydration has to be faced by drinking excessive water and overhydration has a direct effect on our kidneys. There are many people who feel that it is necessary to drink more water to keep the kidney healthy. but it’s not like that. According to health experts, when you consume a lot of water, your kidneys have to work harder to get rid of waste products. This causes a hormonal reaction that makes you feel stressed and tired. If you do not urinate even after drinking a lot of water, then it indicates that your kidney is working more than its capacity.