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Health TKB

Do women’s brains become sharper during periods? [TKB-Health]

Menstruation (Period) is a basic biological practice in women body. This natural practice gives her the status of a woman in society. According to new research, their communication skills improve after three weeks of menstruation. The things that other people are afraid to say, they say them openly. As soon as the new cycle of menstruation starts, their body starts working faster.

In the olden times, people believed that these changes in a woman’s mood were due to the turmoil going on in her stomach. But nowadays we know the source of these changes is the ovaries, where two hormones called estrogen and progesterone are released in varying amounts throughout the month and form a layer around the abdominal wall. These hormones decide when to release eggs. Due to this hormone, both the health and mood of the woman are affected.

Research is being done on the menstrual cycle since the 1930s. It is also an interesting topic of research for scientists. Rather, it came from the fact that in what ways and how different women are from men. The basic example of the difference between these two is in our brain.

According to neuroscientist Marcus Hussmann of Durham University in Britain, it was believed for years that both men and women go through such cycles every month because of their hormones. Menstruation occurs in women and testosterone levels increase and decrease in men, whereas women’s brain works differently from men’s. Their theory of mind is better than that of men. This is the reason that their communication and social skills are better than men.

Women remember new words faster than men

Psychologist Pauline Mackie of the University of Chicago says that women’s minds remember the spelling of any word faster than men. Not only this, women speak faster than men and the number of words recorded in their minds is always more than that of men.

It is believed that thousands of years ago, women have been teaching their children to differentiate between good and bad, which lead to the practice of speaking to girls gene. But whether hormones are also responsible for this reason, is a big question.

To find the answer to this question, psychologist Pauline Mackie experimented together with some researchers from the Gerontology Research Center in Baltimore. They tried to find out how much the increasing and decreasing levels of estrogen in women affect them every month. For this, they started the experiment at two levels. However, the sample size of this experiment was small. Only 16 women were participants. The behavior of all of them was monitored before the start of the period and after the end of the period.

The research results were surprising. When the level of female hormones decreased, they started memorizing new words faster than men.

Women understand quickly and accurately the words, it is considered a quality for better communication. Based on the research, psychologist Mackie believes that the reason for this change in women every month is the estrogen hormone, which makes them more efficient every month. That is why teen girls are more mature compare to teen boys because they have started to go through periods.

Both sides of the brain work faster in women

Female hormones impact their profound effect on two parts of the brain. The first part is the hippocampus where all kinds of memories are stored. Every month when female hormones are released, this part of the brain gets bigger. The second most likely part of the effect is the amygdala. This part of the brain is related to emotions and decision-making. Due to the release of female hormones every month, women use this part of the brain to see any situation better than men. Due to the increasing estrogen hormone every month, women foresee any kind of fear in advance.

There is another big difference in the way men’s and women’s brains work. Only one part of men’s brain works in doing some work, whereas both parts of the brain of women work.

According to research done in 2002, when women release the hormones estrogen and progesterone, then both parts of their brain work more quickly. This brings flexibility in the thinking ability of women. And the right side of the brain starts working at a faster rate. It has been seen that people whose right side of the brain works more, solve math problems faster. The changes that happen every month in the body affect the way the brain works. These changes are positive in women.