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Health TKB

Diabetes type 2: This symptom of high blood sugar is visible only at night, be alert [TKB Health]

The problem of diabetes has become quite common these days. Many people around the world are suffering from the problem of type 2 diabetes. Although there are many symptoms of diabetes, If you also get up frequently in the night to pass urine, then it can be a symptom of type 2 diabetes.

Frequent urination at night indicates that your body is flushing out extra blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes occurs when your pancreas produces too little insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls the level of glucose in the blood.

When insulin is not able to do its job properly in the body, then glucose starts to accumulate in the blood cells. High accumulation of glucose in the blood cells is considered quite unhealthy and can also prove to be dangerous for you.

Experts warned that rising blood sugar levels can increase the risk of many diseases such as-

– heart disease
– peripheral artery disease
– stroke
– heart attack
– kidney disease
– less vision

Waking up to urinate frequently while sleeping at night can be a sign of many other diseases, but this is the main reason for high blood sugar.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

– feeling thirsty all the time
– feeling tired
– Weight loss without any reason
-Itching in private parts
– Slow healing of the injury
– Blurred vision

If you are seeing such symptoms in your body, then it is very important to contact the doctor for this. Although diabetes cannot be eradicated from the root, but it can definitely be controlled if it is detected on time. By starting the treatment of the problem of diabetes on time, you can avoid many other health problems.

Doctors often recommend lifestyle changes to people suffering from the problem of diabetes. It is advised that diabetic patients must have breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Make sure that you do not miss a single meal. Also, diabetic patients should stay away from things which contain a lot of sugar, fat and salt.