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Health TKB

COVID Vaccine: What not to do before vaccine (TKB-Health)

Everyone knows that preservatives packaged foods are not good for health. However, in a new study, it has been told that how these foods convert the benefits of the vaccine into a loss as well. Especially when you eat these things before you get vaccinated. This study has been done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of America. This study has appeared in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

According to the study, preservatives are serious about two particular chemical immune systems found in foods. These chemicals are found in more than 1,250 favorite foods. The first of these chemicals is named tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and the second chemical is named per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Preservatives called TBHQ are used to keep food fresh for a long time. Researchers found that TBHQ affects the body’s T-cells, B-cells and NK cells, which can be harmful to immune function.

At the same time, PFAS preservatives are used exclusively in packaging, which also goes into packed food. It reduces immunity. According to the study, these two chemicals give rise to many diseases including many cancers, low birth weight, increase in cholesterol and weight gain. The Food and Drug Administration of America has advised people not to have breakfast with these attractive packets. You should also keep distance from packaged food.

In Corona’s time, everything that can harm the immune system is a matter of concern. Before this epidemic, people did not pay much attention to these preservatives, but now health experts are advising people to be very careful in catering.

Another study found that TBHQ reduces the effect of the flu vaccine. This is the reason why health experts are also worried about its effect on the corona vaccine. Experts and doctors say that now people should stop taking high preservative and pre packaged diet and eat more and more fresh and natural things.

TBHQ and PFAS Chemical are especially found in many things like noodles, frozen food, fast food, candy wrappers, popcorn bags, pizza boxes and fast food containers. The use of these things just before the vaccine can reduce the effect of the vaccine in the body. Apart from this, there is a need to be careful about some other things before applying the vaccine.

Do not take pain killer – Some people are taking a normal pen killer to avoid the side effects of the vaccine, which is not right. Experts have refused to take any kind of pain medicine before taking the vaccine. Health experts say that such drugs reduce the immune system’s response to the vaccine. You should take these medicines only if you feel pain or fever after taking the vaccine.

Do not drink alcohol– If you drink alcohol, do not drink it exactly one day before getting the vaccine. According to studies, alcohol reduces the effect of the vaccine. Apart from this, side effects like dehydration or hangover can also be seen.

Do not get any other vaccine– Do not get any other vaccine before and after two weeks of applying the Covid vaccine. Experts say that this may reduce the effect of the corona vaccine. If you see symptoms of corona, then postpone your appointment for a few days and get your Covid test done. If you do not have any symptoms, then you can get the vaccine through carefree.