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Health TKB

COVID-19: WHO told what to eat and what not to avoid the new wave of Corona (TKB-Update)

The corona virus has once again increased everyone’s problems. The new form of Corona is very contagious and the slightest negligence is like inviting this epidemic. Along with frequent hand washing, masking and social distancing, you also need to pay a lot of attention to catering. Good nutrition and hydration in this season makes the immune system strong, which reduces the risk of serious diseases and infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) has described what type of diet should be taken to avoid corona.

How to avoid corona diet– You should include a variety of fresh fruits and unprocessed food in your diet so that you can get the necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and antioxidants.

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, pulses like beans, beans, nuts and unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice, root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and Arabic. Also include meats, fish, eggs and milk in the diet.

Eat at least 2 cups of fruits (4 servings), 2.5 cups of vegetables (5 servings), 180 grams of cereals and 160 grams of meats and beans every day. You can eat red meat 1-2 times a week and chicken 2-3 times. Eating raw vegetables and fresh fruits cooked in the evening to lighten the appetite. Do not over cook the vegetables or else its essential nutrients will be exhausted. If you buy canned fruits or vegetables, make sure that there is not much salt and sugar in them.

Pay attention to water– Water is very important for the body. This blood delivers nutrients, regulates body temperature and removes toxins from the body. Drink at least 8–10 glasses every day. Apart from water, you can also drink fruit vegetable juice and lemonade. Reduce the amount of soft drinks, cold drinks, soda and coffee altogether.

Unsaturated fats – Instead of saturated fats found in fatty fish, butter, coconut oil, cream, cheese and ghee, include fish with unsaturated fats, avocado, nuts, olive oil, soy, canola, sunflower and corn oil. Eat white meat and fish instead of red meat as they are low in fat. Do not eat processed meat at all.

Avoid eating outside– Corona spreads rapidly by coming in contact with one another. To avoid this, instead of going out, eat food at home instead. By the way, now many states have banned eating while sitting in restaurants outside. Although people can ask for food from outside and eat it at home.

Make a distance from these things– To avoid obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer, avoid consuming sugar, fat and excess salt. Eat more than 1 teaspoon of salt throughout the day.

Stay away from trans fats as much as possible. Processed foods, fast foods, snack foods, fried foods, frozen pizzas, cookies and cream contain trans fats. Any other disease increases the chances of getting coronavirus. So keep yourself completely healthy.

Nutritious food and proper hydration can improve health and immunity, but then it is no magic. People who are already ill or people who have corona need to take great care of their mental health as well. Contact a psychiatrist if you are not feeling well mentally.