India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris in his US tour, concluded. As expected, during that meeting, both the countries talked openly on many issues and also kept their views.
Corona and vaccination campaign
During the meeting, PM Modi and Kamala Harris first talked about the corona epidemic. There too, Kamala Harris, referring to the help given by America during the Corona period, said that the USA supported India continuously in difficult times. She said that when the cases of corona were increasing rapidly in India, then we are proud that we were able to provide necessary help to India. We also helped in getting people vaccinated. Prime Minister Modi also welcomed this help of America openly and went a step ahead and called himself good friend of the USA. In the views of the PM, only a true friend can do this in the way America had given India’s cooperation during the Corona period. Apart from this praise, the US Vice President expressed happiness that now the pace of vaccination in India has increased very fast and more than 10 Million people are being vaccinated every day. She also welcomed the fact that now India will be able to export the corona vaccine again.
During the conversation, Kamala Harris told PM Modi that India played an active role during the Corona period. During the initial phase of the epidemic, India had delivered a large number of vaccines to other countries, due to which the situation there could be brought under control.
India invitation
At the very beginning of the conversation, PM Modi had openly praised Kamala Harris. He had said that her becoming the Vice President of America is an inspiration to all. The whole world is proud of her. Along with that praise, the PM also invited Kamala Harris to come to India, seeing the opportunity. He said that India is ready to welcome you. If you come to India, the whole country will feel proud. Kamala Harris also expressed happiness over the PM’s invitation and considered India a strong partner.
Democracy in detail
Democracy was also discussed in detail in the meeting of both the leaders. This issue was raised by US Vice President Kamala Harris. Without naming any country, she said that democracy is in danger all over the world and India’s support is necessary if the situation is to be improved. Harris considered India’s cooperation to be very important for improving the current situation and for a positive result.
Talk on supply chain and technology
During the conversation, PM Modi mentioned that Kamala Harris has a special interest in supply chain and new technology. In such a situation, Modi said that he likes to talk on these issues. These issues are of great priority for India. He also said that the relations between India and America have remained strong because there are 4 million such migrants who are now acting as a bridge between India and America. In such a situation, Modi expressed hope that this relationship will become stronger in this way.
PM Modi counted America’s achievement
During the discussion with Kamala Harris, PM Modi also made important remarks on American politics. He said that Joe Biden has taken over the power of America in a very difficult time. As soon as he took power, the Corona crisis had increased the challenges manifold. But America worked very effectively and helped the whole world too. The PM also emphasized that after Biden became President, America also made some important agreements regarding climate change.
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