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China strict on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, suspended import of these goods [TKB USA]

Despite all the threats from China, US Speaker Nancy Pelosi has finally reached Taiwan. China is now trying to put pressure on Taiwan, irritated by Pelosi’s visit. China has banned the import of citrus fruits, white striped hairtail (fish) and frozen horse mackerel (fish) imported from Taiwan. Earlier, China had said that it would ban the export of natural sand to Taiwan from August.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has the power of number three in America, reached Taiwan at 8.14 pm on Tuesday night. Soon after her flight landed, China talked about targeting military bases in Taiwan by selectively targeting military actions. After Pelosi reached Taiwan from America, China has announced military exercises on six sides of Taiwan from Thursday. J-20 stealth fighter jets have also been included in this drill.

China’s military exercise to be held around Taiwan will be very different and worrying. In this, China will encircle Taiwan and conduct military drills in six areas. The Chinese military has said that it will conduct necessary military drills in six areas around Taiwan from Thursday to Sunday. It will also include live fire drills.

What is the China-Taiwan war on?

The war between Taiwan and China is very old. In 1949, the Communist Party won the civil war. Since then both the parts consider themselves to be one country, but there is a dispute over which government will lead the national leadership. China considers Taiwan its province, while Taiwan considers itself an independent country. The rift between the two started after the Second World War. At that time a war was going on in the mainland of China between the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang.

Elected government in Taiwan, its own constitution

In 1940, the Communists under the leadership of Mao Zedong defeated the Kuomintang Party. After the defeat, the people of Kuomintang came to Taiwan. In the same year, China was renamed ‘People’s Republic of China’ and Taiwan ‘Republic of China’. China considers Taiwan as its province and believes that one day Taiwan will become part of it. At the same time, Taiwan describes itself as an independent country. It has its own constitution and there is an elected government.