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China lost control over its rocket, threat of falling on these countries (TKB-Science)

A Chinese rocket sent into space can enter the Earth uncontrolled on any given day. This is the core of the rocket ie the core. It is about 100 feet tall. Its weight is about 21 tons. In May last year, a Chinese rocket fell into West Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. A rocket was destroyed to a village in West Africa. However, the good thing is that no one lived in this village.

The name of this Chinese rocket is Long March 5B Y2 Rocket. Currently, this rocket is circling around the Earth in a low-Earth orbit. That is, it is floating between the height of 170 km to 372 km above the earth. Its speed is 25,490 km per hour i.e. 7.20 km per second. The width of this core of rocket is 16 feet.

On April 28, China released its biggest rocket Long March 5B to build its Tianhe Space Station. It went with a module to the space station. After leaving the module in the fixed orbit, it was to be returned to the earth in a controlled manner. But now China’s space agency has lost control over it.

Radars from different countries on the ground are keeping an eye on this rocket. So that if it comes over a country, then information should be given to the people in advance. Due to its speed and constantly changing altitude, it is difficult to know when, on what day and where it will fall on the earth. By the way, most of its part will burn up as soon as it enters the atmosphere of the Earth. But even if a small part falls in the populated area, it will create havoc.

Astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell of Harvard University said that in the last three decades, so much heavy object has not fallen from space to earth. The core of the Long March 5B rocket weighs about 19.6 tonnes, ie 17,800 kg. Earlier, in 1991, the 43-ton Soviet space station’s Salyut-7 fell uncontrollably into the earth. It caused havoc in Argentina.

Jonathan said that the core of the Long March 5B Y2 Rocket is larger than the second stage of Falcon-9, America’s largest rocket. Only last month, the second stage of the Falcon-9 rocket caught fireworks above Seattle. But it had fallen into the sea. Jonathan feared that similar sky fireworks could also be performed on Long March 5B Y2 Rocket. If it falls at night.

China is building its space station. Its name is Tianhe. To build this space station, China still has to send 11 such rockets. The rocket that is now hovering above the Earth was the first flight. It is believed that China will complete its space station by 2022.

Holger Krag, head of the Space Safety Program Office of the European Space Agency, said that at this time it is difficult to tell how much of this rocket will survive on Earth. Because we do not know about its design. But it is generally believed that 20 to 40 percent of the core weighing 17800 kg will reach the ground. Or it will fall into the sea.

According to the route of this rocket at this time, it will fall around New York, Madrid and Beijing, located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Or it may fall around Wellington, the capital of southern Chile and New Zealand, located in the Southern Hemisphere. That is, these parts of the earth are threatened by uncontrolled rockets of China.