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Health TKB

Cancer: Alcohol drinkers should be careful, scary report on cancer [TKB-Health]

Doctors have warned people about a study showing a connection between alcohol and cancer. According to the study, in the year 2020, more than 750K (seven and a half lakh) new cases of cancer have been registered due to the consumption of alcohol. During this time, Americans have been seen consuming more alcohol.

According to this study published on July 13 in the edition of Lancet Oncology, 14 percent of cancer cases reported in the year 2020 have increased due to alcohol alone. Most cases of cancer associated with alcohol consumption were seen in people who had more than two drinks a day. Its average was even less than this for more than 100K (one lakh) people in the whole world.

According to Dr David Odell, a thoracic surgeon at North-Western Medicine, alcohol is a stimulant. It increases problems for the lining of our mouth, throat, and stomach. When we consume alcohol our body tries to heal its wounds on cells. But sometimes it tries to fix them in an abnormal way, which can lead to the onset of cancer.

75 percent of cases of alcohol-related cancers are seen in men alone. In most cases, the association of cancer caused by alcohol has been seen with the liver and the tube leading from the throat to the stomach. While on the other side breast cancer was most common in women.

This new study has come to the fore at a time when alcohol consumption has increased significantly during the epidemic. In a survey last year too, two-thirds of Americans admitted that their drinking had increased during the pandemic.

Sarah Church, a psychologist who runs an addiction treatment program in New York, says, ‘Many people who were consuming alcohol in one way or another, after the threat of the epidemic, have been seen to increase their urge to drink more than ever before. ‘

Experts said that the queue of those seeking help now includes those who had never consumed much alcohol before the pandemic. However, doctors are not satisfied to see it associating with the epidemic. They said that there is a need to have a nearly 10-year record of the association between drinking alcohol and its associated cancer.

Lung cancer causes the highest number of deaths every year. But do you know that there are more cases of skin cancer due to indoor tanning than smoking. According to a report, more than 400K (four lakh) cases of skin cancer are registered in America every year.

Cancer experts say that more than half of cancer victims or those who die from it are curable. Millions of people die every year from all types of cancer. 80 percent of these deaths occur in low- or middle-income countries.

Experts say that the risk of developing cancer genetically is only 5-10 percent. Apart from genetic cancer, smoking, alcohol, bad lifestyle and eating habits are the biggest causes of cancer.