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Health TKB

Black fungus can also spread through the mouth, be sure to take precautions (TKB-Health)

Now, amidst the growing outbreak of Corona in the country, black fungus has also started causing havoc. Mucormycosis means Black Fungus is spreading very fast in different parts of the country. Generally, Covid patients who were given more steroids, who had been hospitalized for a long time, were on oxygen support through oxygen masks or ventilators, had a higher risk of black fungus due to poor hygiene or were suffering from other diseases like diabetes. is. If this black fungus is not treated at the right time, it can prove fatal.

According to experts, it is spreading easily among those who are already struggling with some disease and whose immune system is weak. In addition, Covid medicines can increase blood sugar levels in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients, which is believed to be the main cause of the growth of fungus. In such a situation, the risk of this black fungus can be reduced by adopting some domestic tips. According to the dentist, there are some dental hygiene rules that can be followed to reduce the risk of black fungus as well as many other viral and fungal infections.

According to the Health Ministry, the danger of black fungus is being seen in many people apart from patients recovering from corona. The risk of black fungus is increasing significantly in cases such as uncontrolled diabetes, weak immunity due to steroids, prolonged ICU or hospital stay, struggling with any other disease, voriconazole therapy.

According to experts, black fungus can occur everywhere. Black fungus can spread from anywhere on the ground, environment, trees and rotten food and drip pan of air conditioner. A person can become a victim of fungal and viral infections due to exposure to contaminated air or infected particles spread in it. Black fungus can also spread due to injury to the skin.

Symptoms include changing the color of the tongue, swelling of the gums, redness or pain in the eyes, fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath, severe pain, blood in vomit, swelling on the closed nose or face, etc. Let’s know about those tips that can reduce the risk of black fungus.

According to experts, after recovering from Covid, the intake of steroids and other medicines increases the ability of bacteria and fungus to grow in the mouth. It can also cause problems related to sinus, lungs and brain. Brush two to three times a day. Apart from this, the danger of black fungus can be avoided by paying attention to cleaning the mouth using garret or antifungal mouth spray.

After the curing of Covid-19, it is necessary for the patients to maintain cleanliness and hygiene of the mouth to avoid the risk of any other viral or fungal infusions. Patients are advised to change their toothbrushes once they have a negative test. Also, pay attention to the cleanliness of your mouth and face regularly.

According to experts, patients recovering from corona should keep their brushes separate from others. Brush and tongue cleaners are recommended to be cleaned regularly with antiseptic mouthwash. Do not ignore its symptoms even after recovery. Get treatment from a doctor immediately.