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Biggest Galaxy: The Biggest Galaxy Found in Space [TKB SCIENCE]

The largest galaxy ever in space has been discovered. This is actually a monster galaxy. 100 times wider than our galaxy. 300 million light years away from our solar system. Its name is Alcyoneus. This is a giant radio galaxy. Which extends into 5 megaparsecs in space. Its length is 1.63 million light years. It is the largest figure in space ever discovered

After discovering it, the astronauts feel that they have very little knowledge about space. Space is a treasure trove of mysteries. There are many big black holes inside it. There are fast moving charged particles that are carrying radio waves from here and there by becoming an intergalactic medium.

Alcyoneus is a Greek word. Who was the great enemy of Hercules. It literally means Mighty Ass. It is 5.04 megaparsecs wide. That is, 100 times more than the width of our galaxy. There are so many stars in this galaxy, whose weight is billions of times more than our sun. The black hole present inside it is equal to 400 million solar masses.

One thing that makes Alcyoneus different is the pressure area present inside it. Which is the hottest intergalactic medium present inside a radio galaxy. So far, about a thousand GRGs have been detected in space. But none of these were more than 3 megaparsecs. There is only one J1420-0545, which is only slightly smaller than Alcyoneus.