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Big solar disaster is coming on earth! Radio, GPS, Satellite will be affected [TKB Science]

On Tuesday, July 19, there is a possibility of a solar storm, which can directly affect the Earth. According to space meteorologist Dr. Tamitha Skov, a snake-like filament from the Sun will hit the Earth. This can affect many satellites. The work of GPS, TV communication and radio can also be disrupted.

Electro magnetic radiation and heat increases greatly due to this solar flare. Although it will not increase the heat on Earth, but electromagnetic radiation can affect the Earth’s magnetic field and the signals can be turned off.

According to scientists, the sun has been very active these days. Because of this, Geomagnetic storms are coming. Which in scientific language is called (M class) M-class and (X class) X-class flares. It is sending flares of the strongest class, because the sun is active at this time. Which will last for the next 8 years. Because of this, there will be a possibility of solar storms coming.

Solar storm coming at the speed of millions of kilometers per hour

Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is caused by a spot on the Sun. That is, a kind of explosion on the surface of the Sun. Due to this, one billion tons of charged particles spread in space at a speed of several million kilometers per hour. When these particles hit the Earth, they disrupt many satellite networks, GPS systems, satellite TV and radio communications.

What are sun spots… how are they formed?

When the heat in some part of the sun is less than the other part, then spots are formed there. They are visible from a distance as small black and brown spots. A blemish can last from a few hours to a few weeks. The darker part inside the spots is called Umbra and the less dark outer part is called Pen Umbra.