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Health TKB

Be alert as soon as you see these signs of increasing bad cholesterol in the body [TKB Health]

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is made in the liver and is found in every part of the body. There are two types of cholesterol found in our body, one good cholesterol and the other bad cholesterol. If we talk about bad cholesterol, then it can get deposited in our arteries. Due to which many types of diseases start growing in our body. Our body needs cholesterol to make healthy cells, but due to its high amount in the body, the risk of many types of heart related diseases increases.

Cholesterol levels in the body increase due to eating fatty foods, not exercising, being overweight, smoking and drinking. Sometimes it is also genetic. Due to the increase in the level of cholesterol in the arteries, one has to face the problem of cramps in different parts of the body. It can also be a sign of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Which happens due to the increase in the level of cholesterol in the body.

What is peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease is a disease in which cholesterol builds up in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs, and legs. This is a common circulatory problem, in which the arteries become very dilated, due to which the proper amount of blood does not reach the legs and arms. The main causes of PAD are aging, diabetes and smoking.

Symptoms of increased cholesterol level in the body

According to the Department of Surgery of the University of California San Francisco, a variety of symptoms appear when the level of cholesterol in the body is high, one of which is cramps. Due to the increase in cholesterol level, you may have to face the problem of cramps in the feet, thighs, hips, calves and paws. These cramps get better on their own after taking rest for some time. There are many other signs and symptoms of peripheral artery disease. Out of which the wounds of the feet are healed very slowly or at times at all. During this, the skin may appear yellow or blue, as well as the temperature of one foot may be higher or lower than that of the other. Along with this, the speed of nail growth also becomes very slow.

Apart from all these symptoms, many people do not have any symptoms of peripheral artery disease. In such a situation, if you see any of these symptoms or are facing pain, then definitely see the doctor.

Effect of high cholesterol level on the body

Due to high cholesterol, fat starts accumulating in the blood cells and over time this fat increases even more, due to which the flow of blood in the cells decreases significantly and stops after a time. In some cases, this fat breaks down into small clots and completely blocks blood flow, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Thus, high cholesterol affects the nervous system and heart the most.

How to prevent cholesterol related problems

There are some measures that can be used to lower cholesterol. For this, it is important that you include unsaturated fats in your diet instead of saturated fat. Olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds oil contain healthy fats. Fish oil also comes in healthy unsaturated fat. Apart from this, you can also reduce cholesterol by exercising daily.