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April Fool why? (TKB-World)

April 1 means April Fool. This day is celebrated as Fool’s Day also known as April Fool’s Day all over the world. Everyone tries to fool people around them. But also everyone try to avoid being fooled, so any information or talk received on this day is often not taken seriously without investigation. So, know why and when April Fool is celebrated.

This fool day is celebrated every year on April 1 by spreading practical jokes (pranks) and rumors. People reveal their mischief, with April Fools shout

Since when has April fool been celebrated?
Since the 19th century, the April fool has been in vogue. However, there is no holiday on this day. Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English literature established the connection of stupidity and fool with April 1.

The reason behind the April fool
This festival of pranks for jokes is celebrated in every country without disturbing the people of their identities. The inspiration for celebrating the April fool is believed to have been derived from the Roman festival Hilaria. Apart from this the Indian festival Holi and Medieval Feast of Fools (feast of idiots) are also considered as the inspiration of this festival April fool.

In 1539, the Flemish poet Edward de Deney wrote about an officer who sent his servants on a foolish journey on 1 April. In 1968, John Aubrey called this day of fools’ holiday because, on 1 April, many people were gathered at the Tower of London, fooling a lot of people.