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Aliens coming from the ocean, not from space -ICER official [TKB-Science]

Claims have been made of seeing aliens and their vehicles in many places around the world, but now the discussion on these claims has started rapidly. The reason is that the review report done by US intelligence government officials about UFOs and aliens has been leaked. This report mentions more than 120 incidents of unidentified objects seen in the sky by the US Navy in the last 20 years.

Now there is a debate on whether these alien planes come, then where do they disappear or are they hyper sonic aircraft. Although this is the subject of an investigation, but in the midst of all this, Gary Hesseltine, Vice President of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), has claimed that aliens are coming from the ocean, not from space.

According to the website The Sun, Gary Hesseltine, who works in Research Alien Activity in his badge, explained that recent videos of UFOs around military ships are a game-changer in explaining their origins.

A former police officer claims that a video of a US Navy ship surrounded by flying objects has led researchers to believe the alien base is underwater.

Former police officer Gary said that UFOs are often seen coming in and out of water, so it is suspected that there may be alien bases in our deep oceans and trenches. However, he said that it sounds very strange, but if you think about it, we know only 5 percent about the ocean.

He said that ‘we know more about the surfaces of the moon or Mars than the oceans. That’s why I feel that UFOs often come and go under water. Let us tell you that Gary Hesseltine has spent six years working with the Royal Air Force Police.

Gary Hesseltine has launched a national database of UFO sightings with the British Transport Police for 24 years and as a serving officer in 2002. Before retiring from the force in 2013, he focused on his research.

Filmmaker Jeremy Korbel, who released the video for “Pyramid UFO”, says the craft seen swarming US Navy ships is “transmedium”. Which means they can work both in air and under water.

He said that “UFOs may be coming from far away, but often, we see them coming very close.” It is a possibility that the UFOs are moving from a local location under the water.”

After a flurry of videos filmed by US Navy and Air Force personnel, US intelligence officials have been ordered to compile a dossier on UFOs for Congress. This report is going to be released this month.