Now news is coming about the social media platform Facebook, it is preparing to launch the smartwatch. Earlier this report came, it can launch smartwatch with cellular connectivity soon. The first report about this came in February. Now it is being said that this smartwatch of Facebook can be given a detachable screen with two cameras.
According to earlier leaks, health and fitness tracking features will also be provided in Facebook smartwatch along with cellular connectivity. It has also been said in this leak that this wearable will work on Android’s open source. It will come with the most popular fitness-related service.
Now a report by The Verge has told about some of the hardware of the Facebook smartwatch. According to the report, the Facebook smartwatch can come with a unique design. With this, users can capture photos and videos by removing the display from the stainless steel frame.
For this, two cameras can be given in the smartwatch. In this, 1080p auto-focus unit can be given on the back. With this, users can capture photos and videos. A basic camera can be given on the front for video calling.
Facebook is also in talks with other companies to make accessories for the detachable screen. Users can take it out like a backpack. As mentioned in the earlier report, cellular connectivity can also be given in the watch. With this, users can easily share photos and videos to apps like Instagram.
At this time not much information is available about this smartwatch from Facebook. It has been said in the report that the company can launch this smartwatch in the US next year. Its price can remain around $ 400.
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