The disputed privacy policy of WhatsApp is going into effect from May 15. The company has started telling its users. Users are being asked to read and review this policy.
Now there is confusion among people that what will happen if we do not accept the new policy on May 15? Will the account be deleted or will you not be able to send or receive messages? Meanwhile, the WhatsApp statement has also arrived.
The company has said that even if the policy is not approved, WhatsApp’s account will not be deleted. The company has also said that the features which are already working will continue to work in the same way. But only for some time.
According to WhatsApp, the company will constantly remind users about the new policy. This reminder will be available only in WhatsApp. Overall, the matter is that the company has kept the deadline to receive the policy only on May 15, but has definitely given some relief to the people.
Earlier it was being told that if you do not accept the policy on May 15, then WhatsApp will stop working after a few months. Even then, the company did not say that the account of the users would be deleted.
But it is not that you will continue to use WhatsApp even without accepting the policy. Because it is also clear that you have to accept the policy of the company today or tomorrow. Because it is temporary.
From next week, users will start getting a reminder to accept WhatsApp policy. In the event of not getting permission, the company can also block some features of WhatsApp for you later.
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