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7 tremendous benefits of chewing two cloves on an empty stomach in the morning (TKB-Health)

Not clearing the stomach in the morning may seem like a small thing, but those people who are aware of this problem often face it. If not having a clear stomach in the morning is your problem, then start your the morning routine by chewing cloves. Cloves are rich in vitamin C, fiber, manganese, antioxidants and vitamin-K. Come, know the benefits of chewing two cloves on an empty stomach in the morning-


Immunity increases
Cloves contain vitamin C and some anti-oxidants properties which are known to increase white blood cells in the human body. It helps your body fight against any infections or diseases with it’s Immunity increase power.


Improves digestion
Consuming cloves in the morning helps you to cure any digestive problems. Cloves increase the secretion of digestive enzymes, which prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and indigestion. Cloves are loaded with fiber properties in it which help your digestive health.


Promotes liver function
Your liver detoxes the body and metabolizes the drugs you consume. To improve the functioning of your liver you should have cloves daily in empty stomach. Cloves contain eugenol which is known to improve liver function of human body.


Cures toothache
Clove oil is usually applied to the teeth to prevent toothache often in Indian family. Consuming cloves can also help reduce toothache. Cloves have anesthetic properties which prevent discomfort for some time and specially it reduce pain-ache .


Clove relieves headache
Clove contains Eugenol properties which has analgesic and anti inflammatory properties. This makes clove a wonderful remedy for headaches instantly. You can consume them. Take clove powder with a glass of milk or applying clove oil can also give you relief.


Clove is good for bones
Cloves contain lots of the elements in it like, flavonoids, manganese, and eugenol which are known to promote bone and joint health. Consumption of cloves helps to increase bone density.


Liver is strong
Your liver detoxes the body and metabolizes the drugs you consume. To improve the functioning of your liver, you must have cloves daily.