The Indian government on Tuesday imposed new restrictions on 43 mobile apps related to China. These apps include AliExpress, CamCard and Taobao Live among others. The latest ban comes three months after the government banned the popular mobile battle royale game PUBG Mobile. In September, the government banned 117 other apps and games with PUBG Mobile. The government then banned 59 other Chinese apps, including some popular apps such as TikTok, Shareit, UC Browser and WeChat.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, the government has imposed the ban under the provisions of Section 69A of the Information Technology Act. The government says that all these apps are a threat to India’s sovereignty and integrity, defense of India, security of the state and public order.
In late June, the government also banned a total of 59 apps in India along with popular apps like TikTok, Shareit, UC Browser and WeChat. This was followed by a ban on about 47 apps, all of which were mostly clones or somewhat different versions of previously banned apps.
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